Expansion coefficient
The material-specific coefficient of expansion describes how much a material expands when the temperature changes due to supplied heat.
Element | Expansion coefficient | ||
3Li | Lithium | 4.6·10-5 K-1 | |
4Be | Beryllium | 1.13·10-5 K-1 | |
5B | Boron | 6·10-6 K-1 | |
6C | Carbon | 7.1·10-6 K-1 | |
11Na | Sodium | 7.1·10-5 K-1 | |
12Mg | Magnesium | 8.2·10-6 K-1 | |
13Al | Aluminum | 2.31·10-5 K-1 | |
14Si | Silicon | 2.6·10-6 K-1 | |
20Ca | Calcium | 2.23·10-5 K-1 | |
21Sc | Scandium | 1.02·10-5 K-1 | |
22Ti | Titanium | 8.6·10-6 K-1 | |
23V | Vanadium | 8.4·10-6 K-1 | |
24Cr | Chromium | 4.899·10-6 K-1 | |
25Mn | Manganese | 2.17·10-5 K-1 | |
26Fe | Iron | 1.18·10-5 K-1 | |
27Co | Cobalt | 1.3·10-5 K-1 | |
28Ni | Nickel | 1.34·10-5 K-1 | |
29Cu | Copper | 1.65·10-5 K-1 | |
30Zn | Zinc | 3.02·10-5 K-1 | |
31Ga | Gallium | 1.2·10-4 K-1 | |
32Ge | Germanium | 6·10-6 K-1 | |
38Sr | Strontium | 2.25·10-5 K-1 | |
39Y | Yttrium | 1.06·10-5 K-1 | |
40Zr | Zirconium | 5.7·10-6 K-1 | |
41Nb | Niobium | 7.3·10-6 K-1 | |
42Mo | Molybdenum | 4.8·10-6 K-1 | |
44Ru | Ruthenium | 6.4·10-6 K-1 | |
45Rh | Rhodium | 8.2·10-6 K-1 | |
46Pd | Palladium | 1.18·10-5 K-1 | |
47Ag | Silver | 1.89·10-5 K-1 | |
48Cd | Cadmium | 3.08·10-5 K-1 | |
49In | Indium | 3.21·10-5 K-1 | |
50Sn | Tin | 2.2·10-5 K-1 | |
51Sb | Antimony | 1.1·10-5 K-1 | |
56Ba | Barium | 2.06·10-5 K-1 | |
57La | Lanthanum | 1.21·10-5 K-1 | |
58Ce | Cerium | 6.3·10-6 K-1 | |
59Pr | Praseodymium | 6.7·10-6 K-1 | |
60Nd | Neodymium | 9.6·10-6 K-1 | |
61Pm | Promethium | 1.1·10-5 K-1 | |
62Sm | Samarium | 1.27·10-5 K-1 | |
63Eu | Europium | 3.5·10-5 K-1 | |
64Gd | Gadolinium | 9.4·10-6 K-1 | |
65Tb | Terbium | 1.03·10-5 K-1 | |
66Dy | Dysprosium | 9.9·10-6 K-1 | |
67Ho | Holmium | 1.12·10-5 K-1 | |
68Er | Erbium | 1.22·10-5 K-1 | |
69Tm | Thulium | 1.33·10-5 K-1 | |
70Yb | Ytterbium | 2.63·10-5 K-1 | |
71Lu | Lutetium | 9.9·10-6 K-1 | |
72Hf | Hafnium | 5.9·10-6 K-1 | |
73Ta | Tantalum | 6.3·10-6 K-1 | |
74W | Tungsten | 4.5·10-6 K-1 | |
75Re | Rhenium | 6.2·10-6 K-1 | |
76Os | Osmium | 5.1·10-6 K-1 | |
77Ir | Iridium | 6.4·10-6 K-1 | |
78Pt | Platinum | 8.8·10-6 K-1 | |
79Au | Gold | 1.42·10-5 K-1 | |
81Tl | Thallium | 2.99·10-5 K-1 | |
82Pb | Lead | 2.89·10-5 K-1 | |
83Bi | Bismuth | 1.34·10-5 K-1 | |
90Th | Thorium | 1.1·10-5 K-1 | |
92U | Uranium | 1.39·10-5 K-1 |